Friday, May 24, 2013

The Non-Magician

Tristan, Colin, and Liam performed a skit this past week for the school talent show.  Colin wrote a script, they all gathered props and Tristan put costumes together for everyone.  Grayson and I were home sick and did not get to see it live. Greg and Declan went and recorded it for us. They did a wonderful job. Liam got many laughs. The next day was field day and all three boys were given compliments throughout the day. Below is the video be sure to turn your volume up it is a little hard to hear.

Thankfully the school does two talent shows otherwise it would take all day. One for the fourth through sixth grade and another a day or two later for the kindergarten through third grade. Liam performed in both.  Here he is with his class doing the chicken dance. Warning it is a little shaky.

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