Friday, May 24, 2013

Another year ends

First day and Last day of school 2012-2013

Today is the last day of school for Tristan, Colin and Liam.  Liam was really upset last night and cried for a bit because he does not want school to end. Boy do I love kindergarten kids. They are so excited and truly love school. Tristan and Colin were pretty neutral about school coming to an end. They were both excited for the last day and the fun they were going to have. I was a bit nervous throughout the night that all three might miss the last day due to being sick. On Monday I took Grayson for his fifteen month well check and he ended up with a flu bug in the night. Which was then passed on to me and Declan. Turns out the big boys were not able to escape it and all ended up taking turns getting sick throughout Thursday night and into the wee hours of Friday morning. The good part about this flu it seems to pass quickly. Everyone got sick once then woke up feeling just fine in the morning and all were able to go to school. I look forward to picking them up today and start our summer break.

1 comment:

Gramma said...

Oh my goodness! Liam was such a baby when he went to kindergarten, now he can read and write in both Engkish and Spanish. They all grew up so much this year.