Tuesday, May 14, 2013

T-ball Finally!

After three weeks of Liam's games being canceled due to rain or even snow he has finally played his first game! Last Wednesday we woke up to a wet soggy day, it had rained all night. Liam decided that there must be a curse on his t-ball team and they were never going to be able to play. Luckily, even though it was cloudy all day there was no more rain and the game was on. Liam was very excited and ready to play.

Liam playing first base

down and ready
 It is a lot different watching your third child play t-ball compared to the first time around. 
Liam is on the same team as his good friend Sam and another family friend Ruby. All three of them have older brothers that they have watched play endless games  over the years.  It is interesting to see the difference in the t-ball players who have older siblings that have played and those who have never watched or played a game. Those with siblings tend to try and make plays where the others all tend to run after the ball at once and dog pile each other to be the one who gets the ball. Liam made a great play during the game where he stopped the ball and touched second base. However, he was quite confused when the runner was not out. Later we explained that in t-ball you are learning to play as a team and learning about the game so the rules are different  He shrugged his shoulders and went on his way.  A little fact about t-ball, everyone makes it safely around the bases. There are no outs, everyone hits and the last player to hit always gets a home run. 

happily jumping as he wait for the batter to hit

end of game "good game" fives 

In all honesty t-ball is a bit boring after spending these past few years watching the older boys play but we are excited for Liam's baseball journey. We happily await each game and we all cheer him on just as he has done for his brothers' many many games. How could you not love to watch the pure joy and happiness that exudes from this little guy as he plays. 

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