Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Crestridge Olympics

Today Tristan, Colin and Liam are having their school field day.  They have changed the name from field day to Crestridge Olympics complete with an opening ceremony. I took the little guys up to the school and watched the opening ceremony.  Tristan was so excited because he was chosen to carry the Spain flag for his class.

The school is an international and dual language magnet school each class learns about three different countries throughout the year. Today each classroom represented those countries for the opening ceremony by proudly holding the flag as they paraded around the track.

Tristan proudly carrying his flag. 

Liam was so excited for his first Olympics. 

As long as the rain stays away today it is a pretty perfect day for field day. It is overcast and cold for May. As you can see in the only picture I could get of Colin most of the kids are in long sleeves and many are wearing pants. I suppose it beats the heat that is usually on field day. 

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