Monday, May 20, 2013

Made it home

Well that is exactly what Colin and Tristan did during their latest baseball game. Pretty much every game Tristan and Colin are up to bat right after each other. Which on one hand is nice because you know if one is up the other will be soon. However, on the other hand it is a lot of pressure having them right after each other. Not only for them but for the poor Mama too. This past Saturday it worked out for the best. Colin hit and made it to second base then third on a steal. Tristan was up next and ended up getting a hit and made it to second as well. Tristan's hit got Colin home and he scored!  Tristan also scored that inning. What a great moment!

They are on an amazing team this year and are doing great! Their team has 10 wins 3 losses and 1 tie so far. Today's game was cancelled unfortunately due to rain. Their next game is Tuesday night. It may be a crazy busy time for us but I truly love watching the boys play baseball. Before I know it I will have five games to see.

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