Thursday, May 2, 2013

Baseball Season Has Begun

We are two weeks into baseball season. We are grateful again this year to have Tristan and Colin on the same team. They are the San Diego Aztecs. One of their coaches was a former Aztec and is a great coach. It's awesome to have a coach that has played before.  The league they play on chooses names of college teams that have a chance of coming to Omaha for the College World Series in June for the little league teams. There have been a few years when the team they were named for have made it to the CWS and the boys were able to meet the players. Tristan has been catching the past three games. Although I was a bit nervous, he has done a great job. Tristan did such a good job the first time he was given the game ball. He was so proud as were we!  

It can be a bit nerve racking having two boys on the same team. Especially when the team has two outs and one of your boys is at bat and one is on third base waiting to score. 

Tristan did get Colin home by being patient and not swinging at bad pitches.  He walked .  Colin has played all over the field so far this year he has been pitcher, third base, first base, right field, left field catcher and short stop. The only position he was not thrilled about was catcher. Even though he did a good job the inning he played it's not where he prefers to play. I do not think it will be a problem it turns out the coach meant for Tristan to catch but said the wrong Shockey. One of the perks for being on the same team as your brother. The last game they played Colin had a great hit that skirted the third baseline, went pass the third baseman, just to the inside of the base staying fair. It was a perfect hit. His hit allowed for two scores. 
Colin catching
Of course we are quite a crowd with the whole family at each game and often Gramma, Papa and Uncle Brendan have come to watch. However, you will usually find the little boys playing with friends or being entertained in some way.
Declan and Daddy getting a little practice in before the game

Liam and Declan hanging around "watching" the game.

Daddy keeping Declan and Grayson entertained while he watches the game. 
I love baseball season. With all the crazy weather, and this year it has been crazy in the 80's one day and down to the 40's the next. Today was supposed to be Liam's first T-ball game but it was snowed out. Yes it is May 2nd and the game was snowed out. You never know what's going to happen around here with the weather lately. But, so is life during baseball season. You just go with the flow.

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