Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Just the Big Boys

On the last day of school we like to do something a little special for the night. This year we dropped of Grayson and Declan with Gramma and took Tristan, Colin and Liam to the old market. An old favorite around here is Spaghetti Works. It has a fun atmosphere, a salad bar truck, and a balloon lady.  Personally I'm not a big fan of the food any more but the boys have fun. While we were eating the balloon lady stopped by and each boy picked out a balloon character and because they are so nice the big boys made sure to get balloons for the little guys too.  I am not totally sure it was for love or so that the little boys did not take their balloons. I suppose either way it was nice. After dinner we walked to the Con Agra campus.

Then we went to the big slides. Tristan, Colin, and Liam went up and down the slides nonstop for a half an hour. 

We then checked out an antique store where we found a skateboard for Tristan's room and enjoyed ice cream before heading home. It was a fun evening hanging out with my big boys.

One sure fire way of knowing summer vacation has started is finding Tristan in a tree. 

Do not worry about the little guys missing out on all the fun, they had a great time at Gramma and Papa's. They went on a long walk around the block and got to take a bath in the kitchen sink. What else do two adorable little guys need. 

Friday, May 24, 2013

Another year ends

First day and Last day of school 2012-2013

Today is the last day of school for Tristan, Colin and Liam.  Liam was really upset last night and cried for a bit because he does not want school to end. Boy do I love kindergarten kids. They are so excited and truly love school. Tristan and Colin were pretty neutral about school coming to an end. They were both excited for the last day and the fun they were going to have. I was a bit nervous throughout the night that all three might miss the last day due to being sick. On Monday I took Grayson for his fifteen month well check and he ended up with a flu bug in the night. Which was then passed on to me and Declan. Turns out the big boys were not able to escape it and all ended up taking turns getting sick throughout Thursday night and into the wee hours of Friday morning. The good part about this flu it seems to pass quickly. Everyone got sick once then woke up feeling just fine in the morning and all were able to go to school. I look forward to picking them up today and start our summer break.

The Non-Magician

Tristan, Colin, and Liam performed a skit this past week for the school talent show.  Colin wrote a script, they all gathered props and Tristan put costumes together for everyone.  Grayson and I were home sick and did not get to see it live. Greg and Declan went and recorded it for us. They did a wonderful job. Liam got many laughs. The next day was field day and all three boys were given compliments throughout the day. Below is the video be sure to turn your volume up it is a little hard to hear.

Thankfully the school does two talent shows otherwise it would take all day. One for the fourth through sixth grade and another a day or two later for the kindergarten through third grade. Liam performed in both.  Here he is with his class doing the chicken dance. Warning it is a little shaky.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Crestridge Olympics

Today Tristan, Colin and Liam are having their school field day.  They have changed the name from field day to Crestridge Olympics complete with an opening ceremony. I took the little guys up to the school and watched the opening ceremony.  Tristan was so excited because he was chosen to carry the Spain flag for his class.

The school is an international and dual language magnet school each class learns about three different countries throughout the year. Today each classroom represented those countries for the opening ceremony by proudly holding the flag as they paraded around the track.

Tristan proudly carrying his flag. 

Liam was so excited for his first Olympics. 

As long as the rain stays away today it is a pretty perfect day for field day. It is overcast and cold for May. As you can see in the only picture I could get of Colin most of the kids are in long sleeves and many are wearing pants. I suppose it beats the heat that is usually on field day. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Made it home

Well that is exactly what Colin and Tristan did during their latest baseball game. Pretty much every game Tristan and Colin are up to bat right after each other. Which on one hand is nice because you know if one is up the other will be soon. However, on the other hand it is a lot of pressure having them right after each other. Not only for them but for the poor Mama too. This past Saturday it worked out for the best. Colin hit and made it to second base then third on a steal. Tristan was up next and ended up getting a hit and made it to second as well. Tristan's hit got Colin home and he scored!  Tristan also scored that inning. What a great moment!

They are on an amazing team this year and are doing great! Their team has 10 wins 3 losses and 1 tie so far. Today's game was cancelled unfortunately due to rain. Their next game is Tuesday night. It may be a crazy busy time for us but I truly love watching the boys play baseball. Before I know it I will have five games to see.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Flashback Friday

Liam in the fields at Grandma and Grandpa Schulz's farm for Christmas 2011. I love these pictures and just wanted to share.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

T-ball Finally!

After three weeks of Liam's games being canceled due to rain or even snow he has finally played his first game! Last Wednesday we woke up to a wet soggy day, it had rained all night. Liam decided that there must be a curse on his t-ball team and they were never going to be able to play. Luckily, even though it was cloudy all day there was no more rain and the game was on. Liam was very excited and ready to play.

Liam playing first base

down and ready
 It is a lot different watching your third child play t-ball compared to the first time around. 
Liam is on the same team as his good friend Sam and another family friend Ruby. All three of them have older brothers that they have watched play endless games  over the years.  It is interesting to see the difference in the t-ball players who have older siblings that have played and those who have never watched or played a game. Those with siblings tend to try and make plays where the others all tend to run after the ball at once and dog pile each other to be the one who gets the ball. Liam made a great play during the game where he stopped the ball and touched second base. However, he was quite confused when the runner was not out. Later we explained that in t-ball you are learning to play as a team and learning about the game so the rules are different  He shrugged his shoulders and went on his way.  A little fact about t-ball, everyone makes it safely around the bases. There are no outs, everyone hits and the last player to hit always gets a home run. 

happily jumping as he wait for the batter to hit

end of game "good game" fives 

In all honesty t-ball is a bit boring after spending these past few years watching the older boys play but we are excited for Liam's baseball journey. We happily await each game and we all cheer him on just as he has done for his brothers' many many games. How could you not love to watch the pure joy and happiness that exudes from this little guy as he plays. 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Baseball Season Has Begun

We are two weeks into baseball season. We are grateful again this year to have Tristan and Colin on the same team. They are the San Diego Aztecs. One of their coaches was a former Aztec and is a great coach. It's awesome to have a coach that has played before.  The league they play on chooses names of college teams that have a chance of coming to Omaha for the College World Series in June for the little league teams. There have been a few years when the team they were named for have made it to the CWS and the boys were able to meet the players. Tristan has been catching the past three games. Although I was a bit nervous, he has done a great job. Tristan did such a good job the first time he was given the game ball. He was so proud as were we!  

It can be a bit nerve racking having two boys on the same team. Especially when the team has two outs and one of your boys is at bat and one is on third base waiting to score. 

Tristan did get Colin home by being patient and not swinging at bad pitches.  He walked .  Colin has played all over the field so far this year he has been pitcher, third base, first base, right field, left field catcher and short stop. The only position he was not thrilled about was catcher. Even though he did a good job the inning he played it's not where he prefers to play. I do not think it will be a problem it turns out the coach meant for Tristan to catch but said the wrong Shockey. One of the perks for being on the same team as your brother. The last game they played Colin had a great hit that skirted the third baseline, went pass the third baseman, just to the inside of the base staying fair. It was a perfect hit. His hit allowed for two scores. 
Colin catching
Of course we are quite a crowd with the whole family at each game and often Gramma, Papa and Uncle Brendan have come to watch. However, you will usually find the little boys playing with friends or being entertained in some way.
Declan and Daddy getting a little practice in before the game

Liam and Declan hanging around "watching" the game.

Daddy keeping Declan and Grayson entertained while he watches the game. 
I love baseball season. With all the crazy weather, and this year it has been crazy in the 80's one day and down to the 40's the next. Today was supposed to be Liam's first T-ball game but it was snowed out. Yes it is May 2nd and the game was snowed out. You never know what's going to happen around here with the weather lately. But, so is life during baseball season. You just go with the flow.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Happy Birthday Tristan

This amazing boy is now 11!
He loves playing baseball. His favorite position is catcher and he is pretty good too.  He loves legos, Minecraft, pirate 101, soccer, riding his bike, having Nerf gun battles with his brothers. He is a confident  kind, caring, fun loving, care free kid who is always there to protect his brothers. We love this boy, yes I can still call him a boy. Before we know it he will be a man. I look forward to watching him grow, even if I would like for him to slow down just a little.
Happy 11th Birthday Tristan.