Monday, July 3, 2017

Baseball 2017 Grayson

Well, another season of baseball is almost over. For all the craziness that comes with baseball season I'd have to say I'm a little sad that it will soon be finished. We have two post season tournaments to play in, then it will be done. This season we only had seven teams throughout the season.  Tristan and Colin were on a team together. Colin will be playing in a post season tournament. Unfortunately, Tristan is nine days too old to participate which is a big bummer. Liam was on two teams and will be playing a post season tournament. Declan and Grayson were on different teams this year. So basically the past two and a half months have been spent playing games, watching games and of course what do we do when there are no games? We go to the park and play/practice baseball.

Grayson stayed in t-ball this season. Although, it may be somewhat crazy to watch and seem like it never ends it is an important part of the learning process. Grayson was a bit more focused while playing this year and only tried to get the ball half the time no matter where it went. His team was Texas A&M and had a few players from last year as well as a sibling of Liam's friend which Grayson was pretty excited about.
Ready to play

Going after a ball.

Waiting his turn to hit

Ready to hit

Running to third base

Sometimes you just have to draw in the dirt while you wait for your teammate to hit. 

Sometimes you check out the airplane in the sky

Sliding/jumping home

He's safe!

 Most of the time Grayson was on the move and watching the ball. 

Of course sometimes you need a little rest. 

He is always hustling. 

This set of pictures really shows how much he pays attention to his big brothers as they play. His form, accuracy and force that he can throw a ball is pretty impressive at his age. 

Great season Grayson! 

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