Friday, June 30, 2017

Last week of school

Once again here I am at the end of June thinking how fast the time has gone. The boys have been out of school a month already. The end of the school year came with two "graduations", one honors night, and the end to four different school with four different start and end times.

First,  Grayson graduated from preschool. He attended the public school preschool where they focused on his speech. Over this school year he has worked hard and has become so much better to understand. He does not get frustrated like he used to because we can now understand what he is saying so much clearer. He had wonderful teachers that although Grayson says, he "doesn't learn at school" were very patient and brought out his voice. He is very excited to be starting kindergarten at the same school as Liam and Declan. Grayson was accepted into the dual language program at Crestridge too. So like Liam and Declan he will spend half the day learning in English and half the day learning in Spanish.

Grayson picked out his own graduation outfit. He was very excited to wear a bow tie and insisted on these new shoes. He was so cute and proud.

Next we had Declan's kindergarten graduation. He talked about the program for a month and was nervous and excited for the last day of school. Declan has grown so much this year becoming a strong reader in both English and Spanish. One of the best things about the dual language program to me is when you ask Declan what he has learned in Spanish class he says he hasn't learned Spanish yet. He is kind of right. He isn't being taught Spanish he is being taught in Spanish. This is the most amazing process to watch. I am amazed constantly by his fluency. Declan is excited for first grade but says he misses kindergarten. He has two great teachers waiting for him. 

Such a handsome boy. He was very excited to wear his suspenders to school. 

Carrying his "diploma" is serious work.

Liam did not have any ceremony to end fourth grade. (which is ok by me) He did have an end of the year picnic at school where we enjoyed lunch outside. Again I am amazed and proud of the work he has done this year. Being part of the dual language program has made Liam in to a multilingual child who can speak fluent Spanish and a good deal of Chinese.  Next year is his last year in the elementary school. The district has moved all sixth grade to the middle schools and Liam will be the first class from his school moving early. He is really excited to start the summer with Camp Hummell and travel. 

Colin had eighth grade awards night where he earned two big awards. First he earned the Gold President's Education Award for the second time. He also earned a bronze medal for the nation German test. We are very proud of  him. Unfortunately, the awards night was canceled due to tornado warnings but we were still able to celebrate his achievements. Next fall he starts high school! Oh me oh my! 

Mr. Tristan. He has had an amazing first year of high school. Greg and I have been beyond proud of the hard work and dedication he has given this year. Tristan had a pretty heavy load of classes including zero hour the first semester and a whole year of  both biology and chemistry. Tristan did an amazing job of making sure he studied and worked hard on all his school work. He had almost all A's with just one B in English. (not his favorite subject) We look forward to watching grow and learn next year as a sophomore.

A quick look at the first day and last day of school pictures to see how they all have grown.

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