Saturday, July 15, 2017

Baseball 2017 Tristan and Colin

Wow! This has been an amazing season for Tristan and Colin. It is truly awesome to watch them play baseball this year. All the years of t-ball, farm, minors and majors have led to this point. To the point where they are both playing to win, playing how they know how to play, making plays, hitting with passion, playing like ballplayers. Not only did they play amazingly well they were able to be on the same team. Which for us was another bonus to watch. Many times Colin would be the pitcher and Tristan would be the catcher. They played so well together. Both Tristan and Colin played on two teams this season. They played for the regular Pony team and a merged team. The merged team is a team that the coaches picked the best players of both Pony teams to play more games and games against the stronger teams in the area. Tristan and Colin are always up for more games so this was a great opportunity for them. This team also won the Hillside/Memorial Championship!!

Tristan's main position this year was catcher which he loves! He also played pretty much every where else on the field too. Wherever the coach needed him to play he did.
Colin's "main" position was short stop and pitcher. However, he also played anywhere the coach put him and gave it his all no matter where is was asked to play.

Colin pitching, Tristan catching
Colin (16) strategizing with Tristan (7) 

Colin (16) Tristan (7) listening to the coach's pep talk before heading out to the field

Colin at bat and Tristan up next. Most games this was how the line up went.

Tristan on third base Colin playing short stop

Tristan and Colin getting ready to hit. Daddy always near keeping the stats. 

Tristan #7
Memorial Little League Pony
Coach Slagle



pitching (Colin in the background at short stop)


thinking about stealing

stealing with power

at bat (he's had the same helmet since t-ball. that is 10 years)

focus and power pitching

the intense focus in his eyes as he catches

stealing as he keeps an eye on the pitcher and the ball


his favorite place to be right behind the plate

You can see the focus in his eyes in these pictures. He was so focused, strong and a great leader on his team. Tristan had power in his hits and his running this season. I cannot say enough how amazed and proud of him we are this year of his sportsmanship and abilities. Way to go Tristan! 

Colin #16
Memorial Little League Pony
Coach Slagle

at bat so tall

Colin really found his speed this year

keeping an eye on the ball

many times this season it would be a close call for Colin. Here is is safe, but not getting up until the other player no longer has the ball.

making it look easy

lost his helmet in the play but he's safe!!

focused at short stop

running for the ball from third base

trying to pick off the other player you can see the helmet a little on the left

focusing on the next pitch

getting ready to steal


safe again

slowly gets up

he does not remove his hands until he is totally safe


 On the mound where Colin shined bright this year. He was focused and threw hard!

We have been so impressed with Colin's development this season. He has found speed when running, focus when pitching, hitting and well, every position he played he focused and went all out when he needed to. Many times he would make a quick play or dive for a ball that did not look catchable and come up with it. 

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