Monday, June 12, 2017

Happy Birthday To You, and You and You


We now have three boys in double digits! Oh my! Liam celebrated his 10th birthday last weekend. He is very excited to be a double digit age now. We celebrated with a few baseball games and a dinner at our house with family. Such a grown up boy.

 Liam showing off his new stuffed animal. A lemur he named Liamur.

And of course what would a birthday be without Legos. 

 Playing gaga ball on the trampoline. 


Colin is now 14!  It was a pretty busy birthday but we started it off with a silly string battle on the trampoline. I think they had a bit of fun with it. We also enjoyed a baseball tournament for Liam where his team played three games. We also went bowling, and to the movies. All in all a pretty good birthday.


Holy smokes this boy is 15 years old! How did this happen? Well, it happened two months ago actually and I am a bit behind sharing. Tristan enjoyed his birthday watching his youngest brothers play baseball, trying out the indoor rock climbing place and eating a special dinner out. He also attempted to get his drivers permit. Wait.... what he can start driving?! Well soon enough he will start driving for now he has to study the permit test before he can even get his permit. Third times the charm right. 

Happy birthday Tristan, Colin and Liam. We love looking back and remembering you as the little boys you once were. We are proud of the boys you are today and await to see what boys you will be in the future. 

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