Friday, April 12, 2013

Washington D.C.

March 19th - March 21st Tristan and Greg went on an amazing field trip to Washington D.C. with Tristan's fifth grade class. As you know from the previous post this was quite a crazy week for me. While I was in the hospital with Declan Tristan and Greg were here....

They were at the airport by 4:30 in the morning and touched down in DC by 9:00 am. They were lucky enough to get on a direct flight and did not have to spend all day flying. From the moment their feet hit the ground they were off and running. The first day included the Air and Space museum, National Archives, Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson Memorial, WWII Memorial, Korean Memorial, Vietnam War Memorial, FDR Memorial, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial, Iwo Jima Memorial and DC Cupcakes.
Tristan at the National Archives
Iwo Jima Memorial
The second day was just as busy starting with a tour of the Capital building with Congressman Lee Terry including a ride on a secret metro rail that is for congressmen and senators. They visited Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (Tristan had to give a report here), Library of Congress and  Arlington Cemetery. They drove two hours to Williamsburg to eat at a pub where people dressed in colonial clothes and acted like colonist. After dinner at the pub they went on a lantern tour of the town.
Congressman Lee Terry and the Crestridge group

changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Day three was spent in Jamestown and Yorktown. Where they visited museums and watched re-enactments of colonial times. Last a quick dinner in DC and it was back home. 
Tristan washing the laundry
a demonstration of using a musket

Tristan got in a little trouble :)

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