Saturday, April 20, 2013

New Orleans

After a bit of craziness it was wonderful to get away for a few days. Gramma and Aunt Lindsey were presenting at SITE a technology conference in New Orleans so Grayson, Declan and I were lucky enough to tag along. The first flight down was our longest at two and a half hours and after ten minutes both boys were out!

I was also in luck that we had wonderful flight attendants and the plane had a lot of empty seats. They allowed Grayson to get his own seat and he slept the whole way. The second flight was a little over an hour and both boys did amazing. They watched their iPods and had a little treat. Once at the airport we had a bit of a fiscal with the rental car and ended up waiting two hours for Aunt Lindsey's plane to land and we all went to the hotel together.

After we took some time to relax, settle in to our room and make a plan for the night Gramma, Aunt Lindsey and the little guys headed to the conference to check in while I went to get our car finally. Turns out the conference was a bit further than expected. Which gave Declan time to explore on the walk. 

After dinner we headed out to find an ice cream shop. We found a good one even if it took forever to get there and Lindsey got pulled over by the police on the way back to the hotel. (she claims she did not know where to stop at the red light) Lucky for her the officer saw her shocked face as she went through the light and just gave her a warning. 

The next day Gramma and Aunt Lindsey headed to the conference and the boys and I had fun exploring the Children's Museum, the French Quarter, and the Aquarium.

Later in the evening we found Gramma and Aunt Lindsey for dinner, a walk through another part of the French Quarter and we ended the night with a little ice cream. 

Our third day started with a breakfast of beignets. We attempted to go to Cafe Du Monde however, that is where everyone else was going too. The line to get in was at least an hour long so we ended up a block down the road. The  beignets were delicious and there was little waiting!

After breakfast Aunt Lindsey and Gramma went to their conference and we spent the morning exploring the market area. These two little guys were thrilled I finally found them some bananas. They love bananas right now. I also found a few souvenirs to take back to the big boys. 

The afternoon we headed to Lake Pontchartrain. We decided to go across Lake Pontchartrain Causeway Bridge. It is said to be the longest bridge in the world. This is what Grayson and Declan thought. (love the way Declan is holding Grayson's hand) 

We made it across the bridge, ate lunch then enjoyed the beautiful day playing at the park on the edge of the lake. Declan had a great time throwing rocks and sticks into the water. 

Our last day Gramma and Aunt Lindsey dropped us at the City Park where we walked the sculpture garden and toured Storyland. Storyland is a park with story book and nursery rhyme characters made into slides and climbers for the children to play on.  Gramma and Aunt Lindsey joined us for a bit at Storyland then we enjoyed lunch at a wonderful little place called Mandina's. It was a perfect lunch to end our wonderful trip to New Orleans.  Thank you Gramma for taking us with you! We had so much fun!!

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