Saturday, April 6, 2013

In like a lion, out like a lamb

In like a lion is how our March felt.

Declan has had high fevers on and off from mid December to the end of February. During this time we were in the doctor's office at least once a week and giving him four different antibiotics one of which was rocephin shots that had to be given every other day for a week at the doctors office. Not only was he getting fevers that ranged from 103 to 105 degrees with no or little relief from acetaminophen or ibuprofen he also had swollen glands and soreness in his right leg.  He was fever free for almost three weeks then it came back. On Monday March 18th his doctor thought it would be best to admit him to the hospital.  By being admitted he could have a variety of specialist see him while he had symptoms. Declan was in the hospital for three days. He did amazing.

We could not leave his room because he had an unknown fever. I was able to bring in some toys from the playroom as well as get him a movie to watch. Surprisingly, he never tried to leave the room.  The doctors came many times the same questions and to examine Declan. Each group of specialist would ask the same questions and I would give them the same answers. He was seen by infectious disease, oncology, heart doctors all of which would report back hours later saying what they tested for was all negative. Overall this was good news since they were testing for a variety of cancers and heart diseases however, I still had a sick boy with no answers.  Finally, the morning of our third day the rheumatology department saw him and knew right away that his symptoms were consistent with Periodic Fever, Aphthous, Stomatitis, Pharyngitis, Adenitis Syndrome (PFAPA).  The short version is that Declan will be getting fevers of 101 degrees and higher every two to six weeks from now until he outgrows the syndrome. If you click on the abbreviation it will take you to a link with more details. We are starting to track his fevers now and begin to understand his pattern.  On the positive side we know that his fevers are due to PFAPA and we can treat them with medicine which will make the fevers only last one to two days rather than ten or more. Declan will also have no lasting effects from the syndrome or the medication and he will outgrow it sometime in his twenties. This is what we know for now. We have an appointment with the rheumatologist on the 22nd of April to learn more. Since leaving the hospital he has now had one fever just two days ago. He was given his medicine and within three hours the fever was gone and did not come back. Yeah!!!

Day three Declan was feeling much better and began to explore his hospital room. 

Greg and Tristan had a class field trip to Washington DC during this week too. Which was a bit difficult for Greg not being there with Declan but on the other hand he was very busy touring DC. (more on that soon) 
We are very grateful to Gramma and Uncle Brendan for making sure the boys were taken care of.  Aunt Jasonea and Uncle Jonathan for taking Grayson overnight and throughout the days and the Truesdell family for taking care of the older boys during the day. It was more helpful than you all will know the relief I had knowing my boys were taken care of and I did not have to worry about any of them while in the hospital. 

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