Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day

For as long as I can remember we would go with Grandma Towey to pay our respects to family members on Memorial Day. We would begin at Forest Lawn where we would dig up a bunch iries to be replanted at someones house, then we (usually Greg, Brendan, or Lindsey) would find the vases while Tristan and Colin would go get the water a chore they LOVED to do. Grandma would get bunches of peonies and whatever other flowers were available in the garden to make boquets for the vases once they were found. After we stopped by both areas at Forest Lawn we'd jump on the interstate and head to Grandpa Ed's plot. Where we would clean off the stone and leave a boquet of flowers too. This was an important tradition for Grandma and I know she often worried that when she passed noone would continue it. We all reassured her many times that we would continue the Memorial Day tradition and this year we did just that.
Lindsey, Brendan, Gramma,Papa and the five of us visited the cemeteary Monday and did what we have done over the years. Except this year we visited Grandma Towey's grave rather than her being along side of us and the irises were not as thick as in the years past. There was only enough to put some at Grandma's stone. Which I believe she would be very happy about. As always Tristan and Colin were great helpers getting water and taking care of the stones. There is just a sense of respect and caring for others when we are there.

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