Saturday, June 12, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Liam!

Liam is 3! He had a great birthday. We began the day opening gifts from us and his brothers. A lot of Buzz Lightyear and a fun ride able motorcycle. Liam's been into motorcycles for since he was one and could hear them a mile away. After a little play time and we headed to the zoo. Liam stated "It's my birthday so it's my decision." as he led us through the zoo. We saw the lions, gorillas, bears, the new Madagascar and lemur exhibit, took a ride on the skyfari and ended with a trip (minus mommy) through the kingdom of the nights to find alligators. We rested at home for a little while before meeting Gramma, Papa, Aunt Lindsey, and Uncle Brendan at Olive Garden for dinner. While we waited for our food Liam opened a few presents where he got a blue elephant from Aunt Lindsey which he LOVES, and from Gramma and Papa he got his own IPod Touch. After he opened the touch he said "I really did want this" with a huge smile from ear to ear. We are looking forward to the family party for all the boys on Sunday and for all the family to see our new house.

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