Saturday, May 29, 2010

Happy Birthday Colin!

Colin turned seven on Friday! Now if you ask him how old he is he kept saying six. I guess it takes a day or so to get used to. Colin loves to build Lego's. He likes to be creative rather than follow the kits. He is still as goofy as ever and loves to make people laugh. He has really taken to learning languages this year and can answer simple questions in Spanish. Colin has turned into a big kid this year but likes to hold on the little kid inside by spending time with Liam. He enjoys playing Bakugan battle and pretty much anything with Tristan. However just a few months ago I did over hear him say to Tristan "I've played what you wanted my whole life. I want to play my game." A very true statement but in the end he just enjoys being with his brothers. Colin has been an excellent baseball player this season and is becoming a great pitcher. Here are a few of Colin's favorite things.
TV Show:

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hello Summer Vacation!

Friday marked the end of another school year. We now have a third grader (Tristan), a second grader (Colin) and don't forget a very excited preschooler (Liam) in our midst. Tristan and Colin were quite excited for the last day of school with the dream of summer vacation within reach but after school Colin wasn't all that happy to celebrate. He was pretty upset until we hit the ice cream store that first grade was over. I'm sure as the summer rolls on he will become more excited change and Colin haven't been a good team lately. Here are some pictures from both the first day and last day of school.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Baseball Not Quite Over

We just received the schedule for Tristan#3 and Colin's #4 baseball tournaments. They will be playing in six games. If they win any of them they will get a shot at the championship round. The last season game is on Monday May 24th at 6:00 the tournament games will begin in June. I have added the new game times to the Baseball Calendar click here or the link to the right.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Potty Training Phase Two

If you recall back in January Liam attempted potty training for one night which did not stick at the time. Now four and a half months later he's at it again. This past Friday about 5:45p.m. he came to me asking for his Buzz Lightyear underwear. We looked and couldn't find them (they're probably packed away) so I told him we could go to Target and get some now. Hey when the child is asking for it I go with it. We picked up Gramma and headed to Target where Liam was bouncing all the way to the aisle. He quickly picked out the potty chair that makes music and a couple packs of Buzz underwear. (I also got pull ups for my sanity) He then proceeded to inform me that after he goes potty in the potty chair three times he gets a Batman. This came from him listening to Colin and Tristan discuss their potty training days and charts. What Liam did not hear is that it was ten times going potty not three. For the first night I let him use go with the three times since he was interested then we made a chart using ten. He has been doing quite well especially when Daddy is around. Greg is great with the job I'm just not as on top of it as I should be. I guess I better get on board so we have this job done before our summer travels.

Liam was so excited to get the potty chair set up he couldn't wait to get it to the bathroom. He set it up in the middle of the living room.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Boy Scout Camping Trip

Tristan and Colin's Boy Scout dens went on a little camping trip Saturday afternoon to Sunday morning. Unlce Brendan was kind enough to take them. Thank you Uncle Brendan! They went to Arrowhead Park near Neola Iowa about a 45 minute drive. It was a quick trip but they had a good time. They hiked, fished, took a spin on the paddle boats, made ice cream and smores. They enjoyed watching the ceremony for the scouts who were going from cub scouts to boy scouts and are interested in being there someday.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Baseball, Birthdays and Carnivals

Since Tristan's birthday we have had eight baseball games including the start of kid pitch. Sometimes it makes the game longer and occasionally a little shorter. The kids get to pitch every other inning. They can strike out a player or pitch four balls then a coach takes over for that batter. Both Tristan and Colin have been able to pitch in a game and are actually pretty good. (even if Colin hit a kid in the head, good thing they wear helmets.)

Besides baseball we have almost moved. It fell through two days before the closing day. Big bummer but we are back at it again and hopefully this one will be the one! We have also celebrated Brendan's birthday. Liam is loving birthdays this year and is very excited there is just one more before his. We also enjoyed seeing our friends from Washington school tonight. I took the boys to Washington's carnival which was a lot of fun and we saw many of our friends and the boys loved the games. Tristan and Colin went one on one for a game of tug a war. Tristan won.

Now for our biggest best news of the month.............. We are expecting baby BOY number four in mid September.