Friday, January 22, 2010

Potty Time

I am not the best potty trainer and really dislike the task. Of course I understand it comes with having children so here I am again with a 2 1/2 year old boy needing to begin the process. Monday I tried to put a pull up on Liam and he broke down crying hysterically. Not quite what I expected. So the other night after his bath Liam peed on the floor. When I acted very sad he said he was ready to go potty on his Diego potty chair. He tried really hard but nothing came out so he sat down on the steps to wait for the potty. (pictured above)About ten minutes later he said he was ready and this time a little came and he was very excited. He ran up and told his brothers right away. For the next hour or so he kept wanting to go potty, each time he wanted to call someone to share his accomplishment and get a little piece of chocolate. It was approaching 9:30 so I pretended not to hear him over the next half hour when he said he had to go potty. I'm thinking he just really wanted chocolate. Whatever works right!

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