Monday, April 25, 2016

We begin again

T-ball where it all begins. Declan and Grayson had their first game tonight! They were so excited and so very cute. Although t-ball might not be as fast or intense as the big boys games it was really fun watching these two kiddos play tonight. Declan hit the ball like a pro and ran the bases like he's been doing it for years.
Batters up! Go Declan.

Safe at first.

Waiting on second

Crossing home plate! Way to go Declan. 

 Grayson at bat. He may be the youngest and smallest kid on the team but he is might strong. 

Thumbs up while running to first base!

 Making sure we saw his great hit. 

Second base. Ready to take off. 

 Crossing home! Point scored. 

Declan and Grayson may have the hitting and base running down but they may need a little practice with fielding. They are as typical t-ball players they all ran after the ball. After a little bit Grayson did only go after the balls on his side of the field. Declan did a great job playing first base. He watched for the ball well, most of the time and threw it to the catcher. Grayson was great in the pitching position. He went after the ball as it was hit and if he got the ball he threw it to his big brother at first base right away.

Declan ready at first base. 

 Grayson charging the ball. 

Grayson getting ready to throw to Declan at first base. 

On the other hand it may not be the best idea to put these two next to each other in the outfield. I'm not sure what they are talking about but they spent more time talking to each other than watching the ball. It must have been important.

Two boys who have spent many, many, many days at the ballpark in their lifetime have finally become the players we are watching. They were excited and so proud. They had a great fan club watching too.

And I caught this little cuteness before the game. Makes my heart smile. The student has become the teacher.