Saturday, October 26, 2013


I guess October has been a little busy and I have not written a new post for a month! The good thing is that it has not been due to sick boys, just daily living. Here is a little of what we have been up to this month.

Tristan, Liam, Declan, Colin and Grayson rocking and enjoying candy sticks at Arbor Day Farm
We started October with a crazy quick trip to Nebraska City. The day we chose ended up being a very dreary cold day which led to an unusual trip.  We enjoyed all of our usual stops. Union Orchard for apple pie and apple donuts, Arbor Day Farm for apples ( it was a little weird they did not have very much available this year), and the pumpkin farm. Most years it is usually an all day event this year was more like two hours total in Nebraska City. The boys all still had a fun time and were able to chose their carving pumpkins.

Grayson and Tristan
At the pumpkin farm 
Declan freezing and trying to pick up his wet pumpkin.
Grayson very optimistically picking his pumpkin.
Colin's fall baseball ended the first Saturday of the month. It was the first time we played fall baseball with Memorial Little League. Colin had a great time and was able to work on his skills.
Colin was very happy he was able to pitch the last game. 
Tristan was able to play with Colin's team the last game. 
 The boys' school had a skating party. Colin and Tristan got out and skated most of the night this time. Sorry for the fuzzy picture but Colin did not want his picture taken around his friends so it was hard to get a good one. He is the fuzzy guy on the left.

I have also been trying to keep Grayson and Declan busy and really just trying to wear them out each morning. We have been to the Children's Museum two times so far this month.

Driving the big fire truck.
Declan making dinner for Grayson.

Face painting all by themselves.
Grayson and Declan have also been "great" helpers at the grocery store. They both had their own carts and grocery lists and were so proud and excited to fill their carts.

So there you have it. A little glimpse into the last few weeks. We are all getting very excited for the last week of October. There will be pumpkin carving, costume choosing, parties at school and Daddy's birthday all to come in the week ahead!

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