Saturday, October 26, 2013


Heather at the Bob Kerry Bridge before the challenge.
This blog was started to share our family with family and friends we do not get to see as often and it is mainly about our five boys. As I am the one taking pictures all the time, (sometimes to the annoyance of the boys) I do not post many pictures or specific things about myself. However, today I am sharing about me. About two Saturdays ago I participated in a challenge called Battle on the Banks. It was for small gyms in the metro area. It began with people from Iowa and Nebraska set up on the banks of the Missouri River compete to finish a circuit of exercises. You started on either the banks of  Nebraska or Iowa performed five different exercises which included 30 push ups, 30 burpees, 30 sit ups, 30 squats and 30 jump squats then you ran across the Bob Kerry Bridge, find the same five exercises on the other bank and complete another set of 30 of each exercise then run back across the bridge. The first side to have everyone return to their bank "won". There really was not an actually prize other than pride in completing the challenge. Now I am not the most athletic person around but I have been working with a trainer to become healthier and more fit to keep up with my boys. My trainer suggested I try this challenge and I am happy I did. I did not finish first nor did I finish last the most important part to me is that I went down at 6:30 in the morning, started and finished this challenge. I may be tooting my own horn here but I was so proud of myself. Another amazing thing about this is that I heard there will be another one in the spring which I look forward to competing in and doing even better.

Me as I was coming to the finish! (I got this picture from someone there and it's a bit fuzzy)

 Another perk from competing in the challenge, seeing the bridge at sunrise. I can almost guarantee that would never have happened before.

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