Monday, August 5, 2013


Well it seems that July is over already and I have missed sharing about our month. It's been a busy, fun, sad and adventurous month. I will start this post with a fun filled fourth of July. We visited Papa at his fireworks stand the boys were able to pick out a few little fireworks of their own to do in the day.

We all headed to Gramma and Papa's house to start the fun. After a quick lunch the Truesdell boys came down and they spent four hours lighting little things like tanks, firecrackers, smoke balls, snakes, mini fountains, parachutes and many more little things.  Declan and Grayson liked the pop pops and the champagne bottles that burst out confetti.

Alex and Tristan having a tank battle

All the boys setting up a row of tanks to be blown up with firecrackers

a little snap pop fun

Grayson got his own little bucket until he tried to eat them.

We took a break from the fireworks to eat dinner. Greg helped grill chicken and corn on the cob. 

Wouldn't be a Fourth of July without some watermelon.

After a little break for dinner the boys were back at it lighting some more day time and a few dusk fireworks. 

Then it was time for the big show. Uncle Brendan was armed and ready with lots of fire power in his pockets.

After the almost two hour show it was time for sparklers or wands in this case. 

While doing fireworks Lisa T. took some amazing photos of all the boys making great designs with their sparklers. 

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