Tuesday, August 20, 2013

18 Months Old

Yes, that is right. Grayson is 18 months old already! I know it's a bit cliche but where has the time gone? This once little guy is turning into a big boy. 

He is an ornery, a bit destructive at times, goofy, daring, loving, and thinks he can do anything the big boys do and tries!

He has a great big smile, crazy hair that needs a little trim. He is usually dirty by mid-morning but I'm sure he had fun getting that way. 

 He is adventurous and loves to explore everywhere he goes.

Grayson loves his big brother Declan. You can see it already how much he looks up to him.

Grayson can be a bit crazy but he also likes to chill out too.

 He has the cutest chubby little square feet I've ever see. 

Grayson is my superman! 

 I love this boy and am so happy he is part of our family. 

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