Thursday, November 5, 2015

Halloween 2015

Most years the boys have a plan for Halloween for months. This year however, no one had an idea what they wanted to be until the week of Halloween. On the Tuesday before Halloween we gathered all the pieces of costumes from years past and everyone came out with a great plan! Best part we did not have to go get anything last minute from a store.

Tristan as Clark Kent changing into Superman

Colin as Obe wan Kenobi

Liam as Luke Skywalker

Ninja Declan 

Captain America ~ Grayson

Daddy was a storm trooper. (he has a very nice friend who let him borrow this awesome costume)

Halloween on a Saturday is usually a little crazy with all the waiting until trick-or-treat time. This year somehow the day seemed to go very fast. We started the day with a nice breakfast,  made a birthday cake for Daddy, cut our jack-o-lanterns and added the "spider web" to the front of the house. (this took the three big boys an hour to do) There was also a little basketball playing and errand running. The day started out gloomy and a bit cold luckily by 4:00 it got nice and warm out. We actually sat on the front porch to hand out candy this year it was so nice. The boys had a great day and night! 

Grayson checking out the inside of the pumpkin

Declan gutting his pumpkin

Carving is serious business.


The night ended with the traditional Broncos dinner and celebrating Daddy's birthday.

Happy Birthday Daddy!!!

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