Wednesday, August 12, 2015

First Days of School

Yes, I said first days because we have had two first day of school here so far. Yesterday Tristan and Colin started 7th and 8th grade.

Colin was a bit nervous, excited and very tired. The official first day of school was Monday the 10th which is only a 2 1/2 hour day. However, a few weeks ago Colin was invited to go on a day trip to Worlds of Fun in Kansas City with a friend. So we decided to make Tuesday the 11th our first day of school and I am so happy we did. Colin had a great time with his friend and I got to keep Tristan one more day.

Tristan 8th Grade

 Colin 7th Grade

Due to Colin getting home near midnight and him being very tired he had asked for a ride to school the first day rather than riding bikes. Which was actually quite fun to see the two of them walking home together. They haven't walked home together since kindergarten and first grade. However, they were not all that excited to see me snapping pictures as they rounded the corner:)

Day two, riding bikes and racing off to school. 

Mr. Liam is now in 3rd grade! He is very excited to start the new year. 

He was a bit nervous last night as he did not sleep well. It took a long time for him to fall asleep then he was up a few times throughout the night. Liam loves school but this is his first year in a portable and his first and only year of being the only Shockey at his school. He is so little and so big at the same time. Enjoy third grade Liam!

Liam after his first day of third grade. "I had a great first day!"'

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