Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Spring Break Round 2

Last week was Tristan's spring break. I am not sure how much he loved being the only big kid home. On the other hand I hope he enjoyed it because it will not be happening again. The week started off a lot like the week before with some basketball as well as movie with Daddy, Colin and Liam (after school)

 Later that afternoon we hit the batting cages where Tristan was able to practice alone for quite some time.

Probably Tristan's favorite things about spring break was getting to pick places out for lunch. He had been dreaming about Panera and broccoli cheddar soup. This ended up happening finally on Wednesday afternoon. Then on Friday he had babysat the little two boys so I could get my long needed haircut so he got to chose lunch again. His second favorite place Outback which we rarely go to anymore.

In between the first and last day he spent one day with Gramma another day he spent like this. Well, not the whole day but part of it.

I am not sure who was wanting spring break to just turn into summer break more, me or him. I really loved the past two weeks of spring breaks. They have really made me wishing for summer. It probably helped that the weather was great and so were the boys. 

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