Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Capturing the Memory

So this is what it usually looks like when I try to get a picture of all five boys at once. I do not even ask them all to smile at once but I do try to get them all looking the same way sometimes.

Sometimes you get the sand in the face.

Sometimes you get a sense of the amazing admiration they have for each other. 

Sometimes you get the goofy funny faces

Sometimes you change locations. 

Sometimes you just have to stop.
Sometimes you keep trying because you're the mommy and think it's a good idea.
Sometimes you get the picture you thought you wanted.
Sometimes you get the picture you never knew you wanted.

Thank goodness for digital cameras to make this process a little easier and the ability to capture all the memories as time goes so fast.

Spring Break Round 2

Last week was Tristan's spring break. I am not sure how much he loved being the only big kid home. On the other hand I hope he enjoyed it because it will not be happening again. The week started off a lot like the week before with some basketball as well as movie with Daddy, Colin and Liam (after school)

 Later that afternoon we hit the batting cages where Tristan was able to practice alone for quite some time.

Probably Tristan's favorite things about spring break was getting to pick places out for lunch. He had been dreaming about Panera and broccoli cheddar soup. This ended up happening finally on Wednesday afternoon. Then on Friday he had babysat the little two boys so I could get my long needed haircut so he got to chose lunch again. His second favorite place Outback which we rarely go to anymore.

In between the first and last day he spent one day with Gramma another day he spent like this. Well, not the whole day but part of it.

I am not sure who was wanting spring break to just turn into summer break more, me or him. I really loved the past two weeks of spring breaks. They have really made me wishing for summer. It probably helped that the weather was great and so were the boys. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Tristan showing off his Irish side
(ok so the orange shorts may be a bit orange. luckily they are reversible.)

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Spring Break Round One

This week Liam and Colin have spring break and Tristan has it next week. The thrills of two different districts. We are very lucky this year to be having beautiful weather with the temperature in the high 60's. So far we spent Monday playing outside bike riding, playing basketball and going to the playground.

On Tuesday we headed out to the zoo. It was a popular and busy place but we had a great time.

We look forward to the rest of the week with more outdoor fun to come!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Happy 3rd Birthday!

Grayson a.k.a Batman (as he calls himself) turned 3! 

Boy oh boy where has the time gone my little five week early baby boy is getting so big. He is a silly, rambunctious, dramatic guy who does not let the fact that he is the youngest of five boys get in his way. He barrels through anything at one hundred miles an hour. Grayson loved his birthday. He loved that it was finally his turn to blow out the candles on a cake. 

Tristan created a game with a Batman door decoration and some disc shooters for the party.

We had a fun afternoon family birthday party the Saturday after his birthday. All the children made super hero masks. 


 Cousin Waylon


After all the fun and everyone had left I found Grayson sitting all by himself in the family room sitting on his new chair playing with one of his new toys. Such a cutie.