Monday, November 17, 2014

Fall Break

At the end of October Liam and Colin had a few days off of school which Greg also took those days off of work. We took advantage of such great weather and enjoyed some time out and about. One of the days off after Tristan got out of school we explored a park that the older boys had not been to before. (Greg found it one day with the little boys over the summer) It had a really fun rolling slide, some fun twisting monkey bars and a gaga ball court. All the boys loved it and had a great time. 

Grayson on the spinning monkey bars.

Declan trying the spinning monkey bars 

Grayson loving the rolling slide. 

Daddy, Tristan, Declan, Liam and Colin trying out the gaga ball court. 

The next day we took everyone to the zoo. Tristan was able to join us at the zoo too. His school was having a dance starting at 2:00 and he had opted to go to the zoo rather than the school dance. Perhaps he'll go to the spring dance. The zoo was a great choice, the weather was beautiful and it was not very crowded. 

Colin, Tristan, Liam, Grayson, Daddy and Declan watching the Orangutans.

Grayson growling like the bears.

Colin getting a hug from a penguin.

 Colin, Tristan, Declan, Liam and Grayson 

Of course Saturday was a big Husker game and everyone was showing their spirit in Husker gear and red. 

Before the game the boys got in a little football of their own. 

It was a great four day weekend where we just played and had fun! I cannot wait for the next one. 

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