Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Egg Dyeing

The Friday before Easter we spent the evening dyeing eggs. I hard boiled seven dozen eggs by baking them this year. A little tip I saw on Alton Brown and it worked amazing. Only one egg had a little hole but no others were cracked pre-Declan. Seven dozen seems a bit crazy but with five boys, a Mama, and a Gramma they go really fast but it is so much fun. 

Tristan, Declan, Gramma, Colin and Liam 

Declan amazed by the process. It took him a little while to understand we were not using paint brushes and painting the eggs. Once he got the hang of it he had blast.

Grayson dyeing his first egg. He did not want to leave it in very long. 

Easter Sunday

We went to Gramma and Papa's church with them for a very nice service. Then headed over to their house where Great Grandpa Schulz, Aunt Connie, Uncle Jim, and Aunt Joni came down to celebrate. 

Liam (with his new stuffed panda) and Grandpa Schulz

Grayson exploring his basket with Uncle Jim.

Liam waiting to hunt for eggs. 

Waiting for everyone before hunting for eggs. 

Tristan found an egg missing its top. 

A baby bunny enjoying the days festivities. 

Declan and his eggs. 

Grayson running off with an egg that was hidden between Grandpa Schulz's feet. 

Grayson finding an egg that was laying in the open grass. 

Colin on the hunt.

Ever since Tristan and Colin were little they would spend forever hunting eggs as Papa would walk around behind them and grab an egg or two at a time and re-hide them. They have now become the re-hiders and have so much fun hunting and hiding still. I am not sure if other families have such long egg hunts but ours can go on over an hour and everyone has a blast. 

After the egg hunt the big boys, Uncle Brendan and Grandpa Schulz spent a couple hours playing cards. Grandpa had a great afternoon. As did we all. 

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