Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I guess it had to happen sooner or later but I sure was liking the nice weather and would have done just fine without any snow this year. It's been wonderful to play outside in lighter coats and not have to bundle everyone up.  However, the boys were very excited to finally have some snow to play in. Declan did not like the process of getting ready to go outside and wasn't a big fan of the snow when we finally made it out. He did end up playing a little while but wouldn't leave his gloves on so it was short lived. Liam, Tristan and Colin played outside for almost two hours building snow walls, knocking them down and enjoyed a good ol' snowball fight. (That's when Liam came in) It has been a fun weekend to just stay home play in the snow, enjoy hot chocolate and have some down time as a family of six before the little guy gets here.

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