Friday, November 4, 2011

Zombies, Monsters, Birthdays and more...

Happy Halloween With Daddy's birthday, dressing up, and trick-or-treating we really have fun on Halloween. This year Daddy was a zombie, Tristan went as Harry Potter, Colin was a wizard at school and Nevel Longbottom for trick-or-treating, Liam was a ghost and Declan was a cute monster. We started at the church for trunk or treat, took a little break at Gramma and Papa's house where we met up with the Truesdells then Daddy, Uncle Brendan, Mr. Truesdell and another neighbor went out trick-or-treating. They were gone a good hour and a half or more. I guess as they are getting older they can make it longer. After trick-or-treating the boys weighed their bags a respectful 4, 4 and 5 pound bags of candy (not quite sure how one was a little more when they went to the same places). Which did not include the haul from church that had been dumped out before the neighborhood trick-or-treating. Then a Broncos dinner, Daddy's bday cake, and a couple of quick sink baths (Liam's face was totally black from his eye makeup) a fun day and night came to a late end. Too bad Halloween couldn't always be on a weekend rather than a school night. It's now four days later and I think we have come down from the sugar high and are back on track for bedtime. Oddly enough the boys only have had two pieces of candy (that I know of) a day. They seem to be so excited for the trick-or-treating and not as excited about eating it after the first day. I'm thinking this is a good thing.
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