Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Happy Birtyday Tristan

Tristan's school threw him a carnival for his birthday. (ok not really but it did happen to be on the same day) We enjoyed an hour of carnival fun after school then headed home for pizza and a movie. Tristan asked to watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part one (I hadn't planned on letting him see this one but gave in since he has seen all the others) It was a bit scary and true to Tristan he asked questions all the way through.
This little boy is not so little anymore. He's becoming a big kid. He loves to play baseball, builds amazing things with Legos, tries to build roller coasters in the backyard and is always taking his brothers on an adventure. He's been a great big brother to Declan and loves to be in charge of him. It's been an amazing journey to watch him grow from my first baby boy to this wonderful big kid. I can't wait to see what the future holds for him.

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