Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Happy Birtyday Tristan

Tristan's school threw him a carnival for his birthday. (ok not really but it did happen to be on the same day) We enjoyed an hour of carnival fun after school then headed home for pizza and a movie. Tristan asked to watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part one (I hadn't planned on letting him see this one but gave in since he has seen all the others) It was a bit scary and true to Tristan he asked questions all the way through.
This little boy is not so little anymore. He's becoming a big kid. He loves to play baseball, builds amazing things with Legos, tries to build roller coasters in the backyard and is always taking his brothers on an adventure. He's been a great big brother to Declan and loves to be in charge of him. It's been an amazing journey to watch him grow from my first baby boy to this wonderful big kid. I can't wait to see what the future holds for him.

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Baseball is Back

That's right we have begun baseball season. Tristan and Colin are on different teams this year. Which means double the games, double the practices and double the fun! Tristan is on the TCU Horned Frogs and Colin is on the Florida Gators. Tristan is excited to be a horned frog because last June he was able to meet the team and get autographs on a baseball. (Papa's Cosmos group sponsors a team each year)The college Gators team is currently ranked fourth and the Horned Frogs are currently ranked third. If they make it to the College World Series here in Omaha this June the kids team will get to meet them and attended one of their practices.
Game schedule is linked on the top right of his page. Both Tristan and Colin's games are listed on the same calendar.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sick baby

Declan had a rough week last week. He has been fighting a high fever of 104 degrees on and off for a month. He'd spike a high fever that would last about two days then go away just to come back within three days. This had been going on for over a month. I called the doctor who of course wanted to see him. He had two blood draws, urine test and a chest x-ray. They weren't sure what was going on but knew his little body was trying to fight something. His white blood cells were triple the norm and the blood test for inflammation was almost eight times higher than normal. He was given to big shots of an antibiotic and he responded right away with it. His blood levels started going back to normal over night. We were lucky our doctor let us take Declan home rather than put him in the hospital where he'd be in a strange place with nurses coming in and out to check on him. We were given strict orders to watch him very carefully for any fever or reaction to the medicines. They don't know where the inflammation was but the medicine helped. He had some kind of bacteria infection in his blood that was pretty much circling through his little body. He tried to fight it off but just couldn't on his own. He is now on another antibiotic for ten days. We caught it early enough that it does not appear to have attached to any internal parts. Of course as the mommy I'm still worried and nervous every time he feels a little bit warm. I've probably taken his temperature a hundred times. After a week I've finally been able to relax a bit. Here's a couple of pictures from the long day of tests and a couple of how he is doing now.
Sick Baby

Healthy Baby