Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tristan is 7!

I know it's a cliche, but where has the time gone? It doesn't seem that long ago that we were bringing our tiny beautiful first boy home. Now he is SEVEN! He loves playing Star Wars, Teen Titans and building legos. His favorite color is blue (today), he still loves peanut butter chicken from Three Happiness and is trying hard to ride is bike. He has fun playing with Colin and loves when Liam follows him around. He is also getting to where he likes to be by himself to write, read and build legos. This year as a first grader Tristan has become a superb reader. Reading everything from street signs to chapter books. He feels so grwon up when reading to his brothers. I love that he will still sit and cuddle with me even if it's just for a moment. I enjoy watching him grow and learn. Happy Birthday Tristan!

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