Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tristan is 7!

I know it's a cliche, but where has the time gone? It doesn't seem that long ago that we were bringing our tiny beautiful first boy home. Now he is SEVEN! He loves playing Star Wars, Teen Titans and building legos. His favorite color is blue (today), he still loves peanut butter chicken from Three Happiness and is trying hard to ride is bike. He has fun playing with Colin and loves when Liam follows him around. He is also getting to where he likes to be by himself to write, read and build legos. This year as a first grader Tristan has become a superb reader. Reading everything from street signs to chapter books. He feels so grwon up when reading to his brothers. I love that he will still sit and cuddle with me even if it's just for a moment. I enjoy watching him grow and learn. Happy Birthday Tristan!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Legoland California

We took an awesome trip to San Diego and Carlsbad California March 18th to March 23rd. When we first arrived in Carlsbad Tristan and Colin headed straight for the ocean clothes and all. They had so much fun jumping in the waves and dancing on the beach. Liam was not so sure about the water it was pretty cold. The next two days we spent at Legoland. Amazing! Tristan, Colin and Liam enjoyed many rides, building with legos, watching a live show and checking out the many lego scupltures throughout the park. Daddy took Tristan and Colin on most of the bigger rides they all LOVED the roller coasters. I waited with Liam (who was too short for a lot of the rides the big boys did) he enjoyed discovering the different lego animals in the park while he waited. Liam also was able to go on a few rides his favorite was an airplane. Legoland was a ton of fun. The next day we spent at the ocean. Tristan and Colin got boogie boards and tried them out. It was a little harder then expected but they had fun trying. Liam got the hang of building sand castles and enjoying the beach. He sadly ended up with a second degrees sunburn on his face which looked pretty bad luckily he did not seem that bothered by it. All three boys had a wonderful time playing on the beach. The last day of our trip we headed back to San Diego and spent the whol day at the zoo. It rained for the first three hours we were there but cleared up after lunch. The boys were excited to see the pandas, koala bears and camels. I guess they have never seen a real camel before because they were very excited. The whole trip was awesome, fun and a great time spent together.