Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Colin's First Tooth!

Colin has lost his first tooth! It became real loose Christmas day as he bit into a big Hershey kiss. However, it took four more days for the tooth to actually fall out. He was eating homemade doughnuts made by Gramma and thought she put nuts in them. (who would do that) As Colin pulled out the "nut" he was quite surprised to find his tooth!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Monday, December 14, 2009

A visit with Santa

Monday after school we went to see Santa. Greg and I had told Liam throughout the day totally expecting him to lose it once we got to Santa and start screaming and trying to get away. To our great surprise Liam saw Santa from down the hallway, grabbed Tristan's hand and told everyone to hurry because he sees Santa. The boys were the only ones there for a good ten minutes and were able to tell Santa what they wanted and Santa sang Santa's Coming to Town to the boys. It was the best visit with Santa we have ever had!

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Friday, December 11, 2009

Holiday Program

After three snow days it was back to school today, just in time for Tristan and Colin's holiday program. They of course did an outstanding job especially since they hadn't had a practice for a week. The program was only the kindergarten, first, and second grade which made it only an hour. Each class sang three songs and performed a little dance. Here are a few shots from the day.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Snow Days!

We have been enjoying three cold snow days. Tristan and Colin have been out of school since Tuesday when the snow started. School was canceled for three days total due to bitter cold and a lot of snow! We took advantge of the "first" big snow and played in the backyard (not the front because Greg doesn't think stomped up snow would look good for potential buyers as if their looking in the snow) Liam lasted the longest the first day out and barely made five minutes the second day due to the bitter winds and the snow up to his waist. Lindsey took Tristan and Colin to Memorial Park for their rite of passage sledding on a snow day. They had so much fun I was surprised they lasted an hour and a half.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Daddy's Birthday and Halloween

Makes for a lot of sugar and very excited boys! We had a very fun and busy day with basketball, cake decorating, Husker watching, trick-or-treating and happy birthday singing. We had a pumpkin carving party at Gramma and Papa's house on Friday night where with help from an adult the boys all created jack-o-lanterns. Then Saturday was busy fun with Daddy's birthday and Halloween. Here are a few pictures from the events.

Monday, October 19, 2009


I just found a new site for sharing pictures and wanted to try it out.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Nebraska City 2009

I love our annual trip to Nebraska City. It's usually a beautiful fall day the kids run through orchards, play at the park and hunt for the perfect pumpkin at the pumpkin patch. We get to eat apple donuts, apple pie and enjoy apple cider. Well this past Sunday we went to Nebraska City and enjoyed the above minus the beautiful fall day. Oh well you can't always have it all. When we arrived at our usual pumpkin farm the owners told us to go to the fields and whatever you pick you get for free. Very nice of them. So off we went in search of a perfect pumpkin, turns out we found a few. The boys and Papa got really into it and within a half hour Gramma's car was full of pumpkins of many shapes and sizes. It was a blast.

Monday, October 5, 2009

First Tooth!

Tristan lost his first tooth!! He was excited then scared after it came out. About 9:30 last night he came running down telling us his tooth was very loose. After some checking we told him to relax and go back to bed it wasn't coming out tonight. Rather than going to bed he went to the mirror and wiggled his tooth until it came out. He came running down with great big excited eyes and a huge smile. Which turned to nervous excitement as there was still blood in his mouth which freaked him out a little. I'm sure the next three will happen soon as his front three teeth are quite loose also.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

To the farm we go

Tristan and Colin had a couple days off of school and Greg had taken those days off os work so we headed up to Grandma and Grandpa Schulz's farm. We had fun exploring the farm, riding the four wheeler, helping to harvest some beans and playing games. Greg really had fun with the four wheeler. The boys just had fun running around and just being boys. Enjoy a few pictures from the weekend.

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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Pizza and a movie

It has been awhile since we made our own pizza at home. It's been about three weeks since I have wanted to cook anything more than mac-n-cheese or reheating something in the oven. I've been worried that it would smell bad for potential buyers, but I wanted to cook with the boys tonight so I went for it. They had so much fun and really enjoyed their creations. And all is cleaned up and smells okay! Then we watched Race to Witch Mountain. I remember liking Escape to Witch Mountain when I was a kid. It's a bit different with the Rock and modern technology. Still pretty fun.

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Monday, August 17, 2009

Back to School

Tristan and Colin were back to school today. Tristan is in second grade and Colin is in first grade this year. They have started at Crestridge Magnet School. It'll be closer to our house when we move. We are very excited about the new school it has an emphasis on foreign language and international studies. It's crazy the paths life takes you. Years ago Greg went to school at Crestridge for a few months in third grade. So now our children have attended schools that at one time or another their parents were students and teachers Kind of fun. I can't wait to hear about their day.

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Sunday, August 16, 2009

A Trip to the Zoo!

A trip to the zoo before Tristan and Colin go back to school. We had a very fun day at the zoo with Sheridan and Aunt Jasonea. The animals were very active which is the best time to be at the zoo.

Friday, July 31, 2009


Pictures from Colorado.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Road Trip, Family, and so much more...

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We have been very busy over the past month. Grandma Towey moved in with my parents, my Mom, the boys and I went to Colorado where we met up with Krista, her children and Papa. While in Denver we went to the Museum of Natural History and Science and the Botanical Gardens. Two great places. The museum was having an exhibit on Health. We were able to do many experiments. Tristan, Colin and Liam had so much fun. The next day we went on a Dino hunt at the garden. They had dinosaurs hidden among the plants. All three boys had fun searching for them. Krista's family arrived and we drove to Colorado Springs. We spent a day driving up to Pikes Peak while Krista was at a conference. All the children were able to climb the mountain which they loved. We had lunch in Old Town and finally found an ice cream shop.(we had been telling Tristan and Colin we'd go to one for three days) The second day we toured the breath taking Garden of the Gods. It is a truly beautiful place. We drove through the park and found a place the children could climb and play. Our next stop was Kearney, Nebraska where we toured the Gateway Bridge. It is also a neat place to see and again the children enjoyed every moment. Once back in Omaha we had fun playing with our cousins and visiting with the many family members who stopped by. We went to the zoo, a spray park, Krista put together art projects for the kids, and enjoyed a fun filled Fourth of July. We had such a good time with Krista's family. There are many pictures included in this entry, they give a glimpse of the fun we've been having!

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Monday, June 15, 2009

Liam is 2!

Another birthday has come, Liam is two.(he thinks he is seven). Liam loves to be silly, and makes the greatest faces serious and silly. He is quite the bossy boy seeming more like a first child than a third. He loves to play outside and wants to do anything his big brothers are doing. He is an adveterous eater loves spice and flavorful foods. He enjoys reading books and playing with his many cars and motorcycles. He can spot a motorcycle or bus within a ten block radius from anywhere he is and he will tell you until you answer him. Liam is lovable, funny, caring, happy, adorable boy who makes us laugh. Love you Liam.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Graduation and Bike Riding

Saturday Greg graduated from Bellevue University. "I now have the paper that says I can do the job I'm doing." It has been a long time coming. We are all very proud of his accomplishment.

It's like riding a bike

Tristan and Colin have been riding their bikes without training wheels for the past two weeks like they've been doing it for years. Their have been a few collisions and a box of band aids used but they are both pretty happy with themselves. If they are not up in the tree you can find them riding their bikes on Jackson street. (Our block is all down hill so we go to Gramma and Papa's to ride and practice.)
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Monday, June 1, 2009

Colin is 6!

Happy Birthday Colin,
It seems like Colin had a month long birthday. It started with a combo friend party at Pump It Up (Tristan's was at the same time). Then came his family party. His party was a little ecletic with pirate invites, lego cake and star wars pltes. It was fun. Then his actual birthday day which was busy and fun! Colin started the morning with presents from Mommy, Daddy, Tristan and Liam we then went to see Night at the Museum Smithsonian with little Jack too. Ate a wonderful lunch of McDonald's which was chosen by the birthday boy because they had Night at the Museum toys. After a nice resting time we headed to a tball game. Gramma, Papa, Aunt Lindsey, Uncle Brendan, Grandma and Grandpa Shockey all came to watch the game. Colin was pretty wired and was very silly the whole game. After the game we enjoyed dinner at Fudruckers where the boys played games and chose their dessert. I very fun day.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Baseball and Mother's Day

Baseball has started! We started with two rain outs and have now played three games. Tristan and Colin are enjoying every moment. Tristan looks forward to next year when he will play "real" baseball. Liam has fun playing catch with his friend Sam and finding fun places to play as he watches his brothers play ball.
Mother's Day was a nice day, beginning with a full night of sleep (all three boys spent the night with Uncle Brendan). Daddy made a wonderful brunch for us all at Gramma's house, where the boys had a chance to try out Tristan's new rocket launcher. They had a lot of fun! We ended the day with a BBQ at Brendan's house. The boys were able to run around the backyard and enjoy the beautiful evening. I love watching the joy in their faces as they run and play.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tristan is 7!

I know it's a cliche, but where has the time gone? It doesn't seem that long ago that we were bringing our tiny beautiful first boy home. Now he is SEVEN! He loves playing Star Wars, Teen Titans and building legos. His favorite color is blue (today), he still loves peanut butter chicken from Three Happiness and is trying hard to ride is bike. He has fun playing with Colin and loves when Liam follows him around. He is also getting to where he likes to be by himself to write, read and build legos. This year as a first grader Tristan has become a superb reader. Reading everything from street signs to chapter books. He feels so grwon up when reading to his brothers. I love that he will still sit and cuddle with me even if it's just for a moment. I enjoy watching him grow and learn. Happy Birthday Tristan!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Legoland California

We took an awesome trip to San Diego and Carlsbad California March 18th to March 23rd. When we first arrived in Carlsbad Tristan and Colin headed straight for the ocean clothes and all. They had so much fun jumping in the waves and dancing on the beach. Liam was not so sure about the water it was pretty cold. The next two days we spent at Legoland. Amazing! Tristan, Colin and Liam enjoyed many rides, building with legos, watching a live show and checking out the many lego scupltures throughout the park. Daddy took Tristan and Colin on most of the bigger rides they all LOVED the roller coasters. I waited with Liam (who was too short for a lot of the rides the big boys did) he enjoyed discovering the different lego animals in the park while he waited. Liam also was able to go on a few rides his favorite was an airplane. Legoland was a ton of fun. The next day we spent at the ocean. Tristan and Colin got boogie boards and tried them out. It was a little harder then expected but they had fun trying. Liam got the hang of building sand castles and enjoying the beach. He sadly ended up with a second degrees sunburn on his face which looked pretty bad luckily he did not seem that bothered by it. All three boys had a wonderful time playing on the beach. The last day of our trip we headed back to San Diego and spent the whol day at the zoo. It rained for the first three hours we were there but cleared up after lunch. The boys were excited to see the pandas, koala bears and camels. I guess they have never seen a real camel before because they were very excited. The whole trip was awesome, fun and a great time spent together.