Thursday, May 3, 2018

16 and 6!


Wow! We now have a 16 year old! When did this happen? Tristan is now sixteen years old. He loves Legos, baseball and playing Over Watch (a computer/xbox game). He is an excellent student and works hard to get great grades in his IB classes. We are so proud of how focused and determined he is with his studies. Tristan is and has always been an amazing big brother. It's a hard job at times to be the biggest brother of five but he is kind, thoughtful, caring, and is so good at taking care of  his brothers. He just started another season of baseball and is such team player. I love watching and cheering him on!


Our littlest man is six years old! He loves kindergarten, playing with his brothers, playing baseball, creating art master pieces and is obsessed with Legos. He loves making the lego guys they seem to be his favorite. Grayson loves his big brothers, I catch him many times looking up to them with admiration. It's so cool to see. He and Declan spend a lot of time playing, exploring and getting in trouble at times. Grayson is such a silly, determined, quick witted, smart, creative, ornery amazing boy. We have so much fun watching him grow and learn. He is definitely his own person. We love you Grayson.