Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Back To School 2017-2018

School has begun again. We had a great summer with baseball and an awesome road trip. Now the boys have been in school almost a month already. First, Colin started high school. He is in ninth grade already. He was not totally thrilled that he had to start a day earlier than Tristan. Their school has a freshman only day on the first day. Which is very helpful for those students. They get a day to figure things out a bit before the school fills up with over 2,000 students.

He was a little nervous on the way there.

Tristan started the next day. He is a sophomore now! Holy smokes.

It is nice to have these two back together again. Obviously Colin was very happy to take another first day photo.

Two days later Liam, Declan and Grayson started school. Yes, all my boys are in school all day. It was fun to see all their excitement but also a little sad that they are all in school all day now. The great thing is they are all loving Crestridge and the dual language program. Grayson is so excited to finally be learning Spanish. 

Liam 5th grade, Declan 1st grade and Grayson kindergarten!!

One very excited little boy!

So happy to be starting first grade!

Liam trying to be sly and not smile since he's a big fifth grader now. 

Bye Mom😘

Picture Day! 

Liam taking safety patrol very serious. He is so proud to be on safety patrol this year!