Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Birthday Boy

Happy 5th Birthday Grayson

Yes, our little man is five years old and boy is he excited to have hit the big 5!
Grayson is a Batman loving, Lego building, goofy, sweet little/big boy. 
He is such a sweet boy. I love the way he always runs back to me, gives me a kiss and a hug before he goes into school and tells me he loves me and I'm beautiful. Makes me smile every day.
He can play and build Legos on his own for long periods of time but of course he loves when his brothers want to play too. Grayson is certainly our most independent boy. If he wants something he will get it, even if it means climbing the counters to do so. He brings so much love, happiness and joy to our family.

Grayson exploring his new bat cave that Mommy and Grandma Shockey made him.

So proud of his Birthday crown from school.

Over Grayson's birthday weekend we took a little trip to North Platte to meet up with Lindsey and the girls. Grayson's big request for his day was to eat donuts! He was very happy.

More donuts on the way home. Happy Birthday boy!

Happy Birthday my little man!