Sunday, June 19, 2016

Two Teenagers Oh My

We now officially have two teenagers here! 

Our handsome, fun, helpful, smart, goofy 14 year old boy!

Tristan will be starting high school next fall. I cannot believe we are here already. In four short years he will be headed to college. I sure hope those years go by slowly. Although I am not totally ready for this stage of life he is very excited. He will be amazing and do well as he is such an easy going kid who loves to learn and grow. Tristan is and has always been the best oldest brother to all of his little brothers even if some are not so little. Grayson and Tristan share a special bond, pretty much if Tristan is home Grayson is right next to him and most of the time Tristan loves it.
He loves baseball and is always looking for ways to grow and become a stronger player. He wants to play for a college team and go to the College World Series one day. Besides being a professional baseball player he is talking about computer programming and coding these days. My hopes for our first son is that he is happy, healthy and enjoys every moment he has as a teenager.

 Colin our happy, silly fun 13 year old!

Colin is heading into eighth grade next fall. He is currently loving playing with his two and a half baseball teams this spring and is hoping to get on the state team for post season. He has learned so much the last two years with his skills team that he has really become a stronger player this year and has become a leader on his in house team. It is wonderful to watch Colin become so confident in his abilities and stand out as a leader. He loves baseball, swimming, coding, computer programming, his new dog and just being a kid. Colin's laugh can still make anyone smile and laugh too. He is so funny, smart and caring. My hopes for you is that you continue to enjoy life, share your laughter and humor with everyone you meet. We wish your 13th year is a great one!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

My Team!

Favorite Day of Camp

Camp Hummel is an amazing day camp the boys have gone to every summer the past few years and today was a favorite day for Liam. It was mud day! This year they have a mud obstacle course not just a slide. Probably not a great idea to have had him wear a white shirt today. Oh well he had a great time.

Even dirty he is still so cute!