Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Summer vacation begins

Today we have all five boys officially on summer vacation.  We started last Wednesday with Declan's last day of preschool and Grayson's last day of speech class. Declan will be starting kindergarten next fall in the dual language program at Liam's school. He is very excited. 

Grayson will attend preschool where he went for speech this year year. It's the first time for us to have a kid in public school preschool so a whole new world to learn. 

Then last Friday Liam had his last day of third grade. He was a little sad to see third grade end he loves his teachers and is always a bit sad on the last day but he is looking forward to fourth grade. 

Today is Tristan and Colin's last day. Kind of a silly day as they get out at 11:00. Tristan is moving up to high school next year. Holy moly cannot believe it! 

Colin is on to eighth grade next school year. It has been a learning year getting used to the middle school ways a few bumps in his road this year but he's worked through them and has ended on a good note. 

Monday, May 16, 2016

Declan's Graduation

Declan's preschool which has been great had a sweet graduation ceremony today. He was so very proud and excited.

Declan with his two wonderful teachers. They were so kind and taught Declan so much this year.

Very proud boy!

They had fun Dr. Seuss decorations set up all over the school for graduation. Super cute and fun.

Congratulations Declan you have learned so much this year and turned into a big kid. I love to hear all about your day at school, you have so much joy and excitement about everything you learn. I hope you are always so excited about school and learning. We are proud of you and love you very much.

Graduating is tiring work.