Friday, February 19, 2016

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Grayson!!!!

This amazing goof ball just turned four years old today! 

Happy Birthday Grayson. You are such an awesome little (big) boy. You have brought so much joy to our family. You are our rambunctious, funny, kind, dare devil boy who keeps us on our toes. You love playing with your brothers, you love all your superheros but Batman is still your favorite. You love to explore and we love the way you jump into life with so much gumption, spirit and pure joy. You are one of a kind and we love you so very much!

We spent the morning enjoying the beautiful weather and celebrating our little/big man at the zoo with Declan and Gramma. I find it crazy that the past three birthdays for this guy it has been perfect zoo weather. Never thought that a February birthday boy would spend his special day outside at the zoo. We enjoyed every minute of it to day especially the gorillas that were showing off today. It's so much fun when the animals are playful. 

Declan having a good discussion with the gorilla. 

Grayson was in love with the sharks today. 

Declan was intrigued by the sting rays. There were so many to see today. 

A pre-birthday celebration at our favorite Mexican dinner place. Silly boy happy to wear the sombero. 

 We look forward to a wonderful year and cannot wait to see what four brings to our amazing beautiful big boy.