Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Delayed End of School Post

Well, I just realized Colin and Liam have been out of school for a month now! We now have a third grader, seventh grader and eight grader. Oh my!
Possibly the favorite day of the year for Colin was the last day. For sixth grade the school does a graduation and then the class get to go to a fun place for the rest of the day. This year it was The Amazing Pizza Machine. Which is a place with lots of games, rides and pretty bad pizza:) It is always a highlight of sixth grade to go to the send off party. Before the fun day there was the graduation. Colin earned a few awards this year in attendance, community service, the UN (our schools student council) and the best award of all, the Presidents Gold Award for Outstanding Academic Excellence. The award was only given to two students in his class. They handed out the silver Presidential award first and he was pretty disappointed he did not receive one until he heard his name called for the gold award. He was shyly excited and proud. We are of course very proud and happy for his great success and are looking forward to what middle school will bring him.

 Colin with his teacher Mr. A very proud

Liam amazes me every day with his joy of school. I love that every day when I pick him up he has a smile on his face and always has something fun to share. I absolutely love the dual language program he is in. I am in awe of his ability to switch between English and Spanish with out skipping a beat. I can not wait to see how his language skills develops as he gets older. It is such a big step going from the primary grades (k-2) to the intermediate grades (3-6). Liam looks so little in his first day of school picture. Once again I love how excited he looks as he heads off to school both the first and last day of second grade.

first day of second grade

last day of second grade

Tristan's year as a 7th grader is done his last day of school was four days after Colin and Liam's which was a little hard for him but he did great. He has done so well this year in his new school ending the year with seven A's and one B! He made a new friends and tried out different extra curricular activities. Tristan participated in chess club, outdoor club, archery, track and basketball at school. He says he is excited to try out more activities next year and even wants to try football.

I am so proud of him for jumping in and trying so many new things. It is so amazing to watch him grow.  Just as he began the first day of school with a posed picture for Mommy and riding off on his bike to school.