Tuesday, December 9, 2014

It's Tree Time

It seemed like a long process to get our tree up this year but it is up and looks beautiful. It started Friday night with a dinner out at Noodles a favorite of the boys then off to the hardware store for our tree. Tristan was very excited to take charge this year and pick out the trees for us to inspect. He was also very happy when it was his favorite tree that was chosen to take home. 

Enjoying dinner at Noodles

Grayson, Declan, Liam, Colin, Daddy, and Tristan hunt for the perfect tree.
Grayson not so happy about the cold. (it was colder than I expected)

Tristan displaying the tree 
Big guy Tristan taking the tree to the car

Colin and Tristan setting the tree into place

I don't know what it is about tree lights that from year to year the string of lights quit working.  As we started to decorate our tree Sunday night we found that of five strands of lights two half worked. Not the best time to discover this as you have five excited boys wanting to put lights and decorations on the tree. 
Daddy and Declan testing some lights
Maybe it was getting a little too late for the lights as Tristan is yawning.
Grayson helping to find lights that all worked. 
So we broke down and rather than spending lots of time fixing the ones we have been partially using over the years we got new ones.  Greg picked out lights, some that have flashing bulbs. Most of the boys like them however, Tristan is not so sure yet. It wasn't until the next day that we had all the lights we needed and were finally able to start decorating.

Liam happily glowing in the new lights. 

Liam and Daddy hang the last set of lights. 

 I was shocked at how well Grayson did. He put the ornaments on the tree by himself. Actually everyone did such a nice job working together we were surprised how quickly we got done. After we were all done Liam stated "Now it's officially Christmas" Not a moment too soon I guess as Christmas is quickly approaching! I am looking forward to all the holiday fun. We have a few holiday movies to watch, places to go like the zoo, midtown crossing and Durham Museum and lots of holiday baking and cooking to get done! I love it all and look forward to the fun!

Declan "helping" to put the star/angel on top!

Last Wednesday for my birthday we visited Santa. They all were amazing taking turns to talk to Santa and Santa was great listening and talking to each of the boys.