Wow I had not realized how long it has been since my last post. Everyone is doing great here it has just been busy with soccer, swimming, rec club, fit club and my recovery from knee surgery has been longer and more intense than I ever expected. It seems that everything takes twice as long lately and my leg still gets pretty sore after running errands and playing with the little guys.
Grayson |
Pretty much every fall since I was little our family would take a trip to Nebraska City we'd tour the orchards, play at the park enjoy a wonderful dinner at Ulbricks. However, many years ago Ulbricks closed and Nebraska City has become quite commercial and crowded so this year we decided to try a new place. We went to Camp Fontanelle pumpkin patch near Nickerson Nebraska. We had a blast!
the best picture of all boys together |
First, we all went into the huge corn maze. The boys were in there for an hour and a half. I was so impressed with Liam's sense of adventure he just ran through most of the maze on his own running into Daddy, or Tristan or Brendan here and there.
Liam in the corn maze |
Grayson, Daddy and Declan in the maze |
Declan peeking out above the corn |
Colin making his way around |
Liam and Tristan |
After the maze Daddy, Tristan, Colin, Liam and Brendan played corn maze laser tag. They had a separate maze for laser tag. It was supposed to be only ten minutes well they got to play an hour since no one else was waiting.
(unfortunately no pictures were taken during the laser tag)
While the big guys played laser tag Gramma, Declan and I enjoyed a caramel apple snack and Grayson took a little nap. Then they enjoyed playing on a play set while we waited.
The best part of the day for Tristan, Colin, Liam and Daddy was the zip line. It has been something the boys have been wanting to do for a long time. It was raining a bit but we were under a canopy of trees so the rain did not seem to interfere with the zip lining. It was absolutely amazing watching them all fly through the air.
Colin |
Liam |
Tristan |
Daddy |
Grayson and Declan had an adventure too. They got to do the pony ride with Liam who had been talking about wanting to ride a pony for a long time. Declan could not contain his excitement as we got closer to the ponies. Grayson did wonderful. He is such a dare devil and is fearless. Which can be both good and bad.
Declan |
Grayson |
Liam |
At the end of the day as the pumpkin patch was closing the boys all picked out a pumpkin. It was a wonderful day everyone had so much fun. Camp Fontanelle was a great choice where we may go again next year.
Grayson proud of his pumpkin choice |