Friday, August 1, 2014

A crazy summer

The simple quick answer to where we have been is BASEBALL! Three boys playing ball on a total of five teams starting in February and ending in July and one Daddy as an assistant coach for one of the teams.  Good thing I love baseball, before you know it we will have five boys playing and who knows how many teams.

Tristan playing 3rd base for his Coyotes Team (regular season)

Tristan catching for his skills team. 

Liam pitching. He played all over the field during the season. 

Colin pitching for the Gamecocks during the regular season. 

Colin ready at first base for his All Stars team. 

Grayson and Declan were always near by showing their support for their brothers. They may have been watching the game but for the most part they were jumping off the bleachers, playing in the dirt, eating a snack or playing with other players siblings. 

Declan jumping off the bleachers. 

Grayson climbing the fence.

The longer version school ended, we took a quick trip to the farm, celebrated Memorial Day with Grandpa Schulz, Aunt Lindsey came to town, Colin had a birthday he is now 11, I had surgery and Liam had a birthday he is now 7!

Grandpa Schulz was honored for fifty years of service in the American Legion on Memorial Day.  We went up Sunday evening to play at the farm a bit and spend time with family. Monday started with a breakfast in the park in Battle Creek to honor all the veterans then there was a presentation at the high school honoring all the veterans and then a special honor for Grandpa. He was beyond excited and proud to be honored. He also loved the fact that so many family members where there to celebrate his honor.

Colin, Liam and Grandpa Schulz watching the presentation in the park.

Grayson, Tristan, Colin, Liam and Declan loving being spun around at the park. 

After the presentation we headed out to the farm to enjoy lunch and give Grandpa a chance to hang out at home for a bit. Which he just loved. He is doing well at the retirement center even if he is always saying he will be going "home" soon. He is very active in the daily events they have going on at the center. Quite the card shark. The boys as always loved spending time at the farm and visiting Grandpa Schulz. It is great that we can still visit the farm but since Grandma Schulz passed it has not been the same and I am sure it never will. It is a new normal.

We were home by dinner on Memorial Day Uncle Brendan, Papa and Aunt Lindsey (Gramma was in China) came over for a little dinner. The boys were all beyond excited when Aunt Lindsey showed up. She amazingly came to town to help with my up coming surgery. That pretty much wraps up May to mid June.