Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Happy Birthday Colin

Colin's Birthday!!

Colin my sweet, funny, silly, super smart, creative, Lego building, minecraft playing, baseball loving boy is now eleven years old.

His birthday was a little crazy with his mommy having surgery. Lucky for him he has an amazing Aunt Lindsey who made his birthday special.  They spent the day going to Durham Museum and experimenting with their new exhibit, they also went to Colin's favorite parts of the zoo. They stopped up to see me and open his gifts at the hospital then headed home to enjoy his favorite ice cream cake. It may have been a slightly weird day but Colin had a great day!
Happy Birthday Colin we love you and cannot wait to see what is in store for you this year!

We are so proud of the amazing baseball player you have worked so hard this year to become. Your pitching skills have developed so much this year. Keep up the good work!