Saturday, May 24, 2014

The end...

Friday was the last day of the 2013/2014 school year. It marked the end of sixth, fifth and first grade for these three awesome boys. Look at how much they have changed in nine short months. I love how Liam was full of smiles on the first day of school and tries to be macho guy looking so grown up in the last day picture. 

The last week of school is filled with many fun activities. There are two talent shows, sixth grade graduation and honors ceremonies. (Tristan, Colin and Liam did their own little skit for the talent show however, for some reason I cannot find those pictures. I will add them once I find them.)

Colin singing with his class at the 3-6 grade talent show. 

Liam getting ready to dance with his class. 

Tristan shaking the hands of all his 6th grade teachers during graduation. 

Mr. A and Tristan (his main teacher)

Liam had such a great time in first grade he was not totally excited for the last day of school. I love that he loves school so much. By the end of the day he was ready to end first grade and head off to a wonderful summer before being a second grader. 

On to middle school for this guy! Oh my!

Grayson, Liam, Declan, Colin and Tristan nicely posed for one last group photo at their amazing elementary school. 

Friday, May 9, 2014


Liam is so excited this year to have moved up to the next level of baseball. He is now in farmers league. It is more like playing a real game rather than t-ball where everyone is on the field at once and it's a free for all. This year each child has a designated position every time they take the field. They do not play any specific spot rather they are given the chance to try them all. They also switch each inning between coach pitch and kid pitch. They get three strikes and they are out however, there are no balls or walks yet. His team is the UNO Mavericks. (all the teams are named after college teams in the league we play) So far Liam has pretty much played all over the field.
He has been a second baseman

A catcher (just like his big brother Tristan)

He has great form when he is at bat. 

Has been hitting the ball and running fast. 

Getting set up to lead off. 

And he pitched his first game this past week. 

Seven years of going to games is paying off. Liam is focused and determined to be an amazing player. He tries so hard every time. We are so proud of him and cannot wait to see how he develops this year.