Thursday, February 20, 2014

Happy 2nd Birthday Grayson!!

Mr. Grayson is two years old!

 Of course I cannot believe he is so old already. Where did my little baby go? He has turned into a big boy and getting bigger every day. Grayson is a, silly, cuddly, determined, stubborn little guy who climbs and gets into everything! He makes so many funny faces and is always trying to get you to laugh.

So proud of himself
He loves playing with Declan and is so excited when the big boys get home from school. Tristan is still is go to guy. Especially if Mommy has said no or taken something away. 
 Grayson loves riding around the house on his little cars, helping make meals, loves to sweep and running around with Declan. He climbs up shelves, on top of tables, but has not climbed out of his bed yet.
 I love watching him figure out how things work, and the excitement he gets from new things.

It was a beautiful day yesterday so for his birthday day Declan, Grayson and I went to the zoo.
Grayson and Declan at the zoo. 
 Now today as I am writing this it is snowing. Pretty crazy. For the special day we ate at the tree top cafe (the restaurant where you can see into the jungle).  Declan was a little more excited than Grayson at first then, he started seeing the monkeys swinging by and he got very excited. It was a perfect day. They both took great naps:)
Grayson looking for sharks

Grayson and Declan 

Grayson and his new "friend"

 Later for dinner we had Grayson's favorite, spaghetti. Gramma came over and we all enjoyed cupcakes and a fun little evening. 
Grayson was not so happy about the candles.
Make a wish.
Silly guy riding his new toy from Gramma

Happy Birthday sweet boy we love you!