Monday, January 27, 2014

Birthday Celebration

Liam and Grandpa Schulz
On January 12th Grandpa Schulz celebrated his 96th birthday! We were lucky enough to celebrate it with him. It was a beautiful weekend for January with temperatures nearing fifty degrees. Which gave the boys a great opportunity to spend time outside. There was also a fun cake and lots of card playing. Two of Grandpa's favorite things.

Yes that is Grayson's little had trying to sneak a taste.

Two tables of card games. Both tables were playing baseball. 

I did not get too many pictures of the boys outside this trip. I love these two, Declan swinging away and Liam with his new little friend. 

Monday, January 6, 2014

A Belated Holiday Share

It has been a very busy wonderful few weeks here. We celebrated Christmas a few different times with family. Enjoyed playing games, hanging out with family and ringing in the new year! There were a few days with sickness but with so many people it was sure to happen. Hopefully everyone is back to being healthy and we can begin  2014 and back to school tomorrow on the right foot. Enjoy the shows below of our holidays.
our beautiful tree after Santa stopped by
Now enjoy a little slide show of Christmas Day

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And now one of New Years Eve

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